Monday, August 16, 2010

My Favorite Things

True. It is a symbolic song recorded by one John Coltrane. Invoking memories of distant lands and precious moments, it speaks to me. Subtle hints of coffee from Costa Rica, salt in the air from Boqueron, Puerto Rico, steel drum beats in St. Thomas, exotic jungle in Mexico. I have been blessed to have had the opportunity to travel to these places in different occasions. The one thing that strikes me about these favorite things of mine is that they are not isolated to a physical place, but rather, the experience. I've enjoyed some of the greatest food ever in dirt floored restaurants, where dogs wander in; where soccer matches are followed with fervor and passion, in a 19 inch television set.

I met a guy the other day at a Boston bar. His name is Tom Brown, perhaps 55 - 60 years of age. Likeable, weathered soul. Yet, friendly enough to converse and generous enough to buy me a beer. Hell I even took a picture with him. These are the type of experiences that drive my fervor for travel, for discovery. It's about these things, simple, yet necessary. People, good citizens of the world, that are willing to share a smile and conversation, regardless of where you are from. Food that is mystical, lush, yet enjoyed on dirt-floored cafes, or beach side kiosks. Wondrous sights that don't cost you anything more than just your time and attention span.

Do it. Go somewhere and experience something different. Feed your soul with these simple experiences. You will walk away richer for having experienced them. Life's perspective, perhaps altered. Nature's compass guiding us towards something else, deep into the map of the human heart. Unequalled moments that stay with us, like our favorite things.


  1. Well, even though I don't get out enough, I can completely relate about befriending strangers. I do that every day at work. My peers make fun of me because I make my customers my new "best friends", even though its just for the moment. We talk about kids, spouses, the city, whatever. I still get customers coming back, obviously years later, asking about the boys because they remember me pregnant. Kinda neat...maybe I'm someone's "Tom Brown". Thanks for that perspective Irving. :)

  2. You should definitely try and get out more often, you have an infectious personality. Tom Brown says hi.. :P
