Friday, February 4, 2011

Soundtrack to Our Lives

As I walked down the hall at my workplace, I softly hummed the tune of "(I've Had) the Time of My Life" from the Dirty Dancing soundtrack. If I recall, that particular soundtrack was quite the hit, inspiring many to dance until the sun came up. What made me hum that particular song during my walk, remains a mystery. Yet, it left me pondering, what is our own soundtrack made up of? Sesame Street songs? Fraggle Rock tunes? (I love Fraggle Rock).. Frankly, I can think of a few 80's hair band tunes that could qualify (Crazy Nights - Kiss), (Wanted Dead of Alive - Bon Jovi), and that's just two of the thousands upon thousands that could qualify. But, (yes there is a but..), we need criteria - how do we sift through the rubble and pick up the ones that truly shine; that truly meant something. So..(although I should be writing a report here at work)... here are the factors I came up with:

1 - Nostalgia
2- Substance
3- Fire
4- Wow!

Life is made up of a series of tiny chapters, each distinct yet sometimes repetitive. For example, I've gone camping in the summer with relatively the same folks for a good 10-12 years. There are songs that remind me of those times; songs we played often during our many camping trips.

The fist time I heard "Sweet Baby James" by James Taylor, I almost teared up. It is such a personal and heartfelt song. Each time I hear it, no matter where I am, I pause and reflect on the lyrics and how genuine these are.

Ever heard of Angel Eyes by the Jeff Healy Band..? I think it came out around '89 (someone correct me if I'm wrong..). Wow, what a song. Powerful melody, great lyrics. It's stuck with me to this day.

These are just a couple of examples of songs that truly remain unforgettable - I realize that the songs that would make up my soundtrack, share the characteristics I posted above. Some remind us of better times, some have special personal meaning, others wow us to this day, some share that passion, that never-ending fire.

A co-worker is celebrating her 25th wedding anniversary by creating a 3 hour snapshot which includes her and her husbands' pictures, as well as pictures of friends that have come and gone, family members and so on. A snapshot of her life for the past 25 years, and she managed to also include songs directly related to particular moments during that time.

Ever wondered what your very own soundtrack would look/sound like? Pause and reflect; it's been a wild ride.

1 comment:

  1. I think in song lyrics. You can tell from the blog titles! Anyway, I can relate as to certain songs evoking memories or thoughts of people. I have a musician friend who doesn't hear the lyrics. He hears the music. I hear the lyrics first then the music. Interesting thoughts!
