Monday, December 20, 2010

32 Posts Later...I'll Toast to That

It's baffling. The show began back in July, when I finally made the decision to take my writing public. Snippets here and there, sleep-deprived sessions centered around my world and the things that influence me the most. It has been an incredible 2010, kicked off by an unforgettable Vega$ trip with old and new friends - a trip where I almost lost an eye, and spent a Saturday night in ER, due to it. I wore an anaconda around my neck on my last night there.. blissful trip. In comes the summer and here in New England, we are blessed with some of the greatest summer weather ever; highlighted by numerous parties, trips to the beach, and many long nights spent amongst friends, in particular, some of the best people I know and love. The kids enjoyed it immensely as well, trips to amusement parks and the beach..but I digress. You see, if you would have asked me back in January if I would ever even ponder writing on the Web, I would have probably dumped a soda on your head.. it was unthinkable, yet I'm not sure why it was... what was the fear..?

As I look back at 32 sessions beginning in July, I feel not proud, but rather satisfied - satisfied that I made the jump and never looked back. That regardless of what the topic was, if it piqued my thought process, I wrote about it. I talked about Grape Crushing in the New World, I shared my experiences in the stunning land of Costa Rica, I wrote about love in many forms and about music and dreams and books and Paris and change..! Yes, change...! I've learned that I am to be a father again come June of next year and I recently started a new job.

Still.. I remain satisfied, perhaps even accomplished to an extent. I reflect and smile and sometimes emotion overwhelms me when I read back my own writing, my very own thoughts and tribulations. And I think to myself - there is nothing in the world that fills my soul more than writing; allowing thought and opinion to manifest itself - full of unbridled and effervescent emotion. I thank those that have read and those that have pushed me to 'ramble on'. The pleasure is indeed all mine. Happy Holidays!! See you in January.

Love, Irving


  1. sweet! It's been fun for us as well, without a doubt:). We love you to.......and keep on writing!!!

  2. Thanks dear. You are too sweet. Love, Irving
