The design is simple. They hope. They lose hope. They falter. Only to gain hope again and subsequently falter. Some never lose hope. Those are the lucky ones I suppose. It is a crap-shoot as far as I am concerned. Some are saved, most aren't. The decision is left to no one. I simply swoop in like a vulture to feed on the carrion of humanity. The weak. The wounded. The ones that can no longer muster the necessary strength to live amidst the decay of their consequences.
Why do I pick them apart, like a fresh carcass. Because I can. Because I want to. I am arrogant. You are beneath me. You reside in the pit of what is most hated. His imperfect creatures of such fragile nature. I pick each and every one of you apart with my claws, with my teeth. I leave you naked and distressed in the gutter of your own despair. Your arguments, I turn into vessels of violence. I penetrate your innocence with my acid-coated tongue. You fall. I break you further.
He fights me at every step, at every corner. He has his vision of what the world should look like and I burn his blueprint, only to have him create a new one. His table creaks. He drowns in his own tears. He gives you hope. My words gain strength in the restless noise and wanton desires of your humanity. Your meek nature poses no challenge. He watches your cities burn. He watches while your loved ones cease to exist in the most random of events. Yet you pray. And you visit his house. And you hope.
I remain. The unseen puppeteer. Your unsung hero is slowly fading away. I am keen and I am cunning. I wallow in the greatness that is your necessity to destroy one another. I wallow in your hypocritical nature, your so-called acts of kindness. I know the truth of what keeps you up at night. Your fears are the sweetest of dreams.
Go ahead. Put up your decorations and spend as much money as you possibly can on gifts for the mockery that you've made of his birthday. Pile them up real high under the tree. Maybe then he will answer your prayers. I will continue to watch it all unravel as I pick you apart piece by piece.
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