There's a vitality that summer offers, unlike anything else. It isn't just the sunny skies and the heat; it's something else altogether. The X factor in this case, is the "sense of urgency". Here in New England, summers are short, and usually rainy, kind of like in 2009, when there was no summer. It was the year summer was snuffed out entirely. Winter gave way to spring and spring gave way to fall... what the hell is wrong with that picture..?? Yes, summer here is like a drug, you need it, and you want it as long as possible. So we make our treks to Browns for lobster and steamers, or to the Cape, or up the New Hampshire coast for beaches and fried dough. The alarming thing about it is that almost tangible sense of urgency that arises, especially now, around late July, knowing full well that once August hits, the countdown begins.
I'm beginning to feel that the fall is near...that my fried dough will be snatched up. That there will be less sunshine, more darkness... With that said, I'm going outside to catch some sun and drink a margarita or two..
I feel you on this one...savoring every last second of sunshine and fun before the inevitable change of seasons. "The end is near..."